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Manga |
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Dark Games Anime |
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Duel Monsters Anime |
Favorite Duel Monsters Cards: Blue Eyes White Dragon, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Vorse Raider, Battle Ox
Biography: Young Seto had adulthood thrust onto him at an early age, when his and Mokuba's parents died tragically. After being passed from relative to relative, all of whom helped themselves to the brothers' inheritance, he and Mokuba ended up in an orphanage. From then on, it fell onto Seto's young shoulders to protect his little brother. While they did have some good times in the orphanage, playing with the other children, it was also the last time Mokuba ever saw his brother smile from the heart.
Things might have gone on like this had a man named Kaiba Gozaburo not entered the orphanage one day, looking to adopt a boy to be his heir. Young Seto saw the chance to improve his and Mokuba's lot in life and challenged Gozaburo to a game of chess, the stake being that if Seto won, Gozaburo would adopt him and Mokuba. Gozaburo agreed to this and ended up losing to Seto (it's later revealed that Seto cheated).
This was the beginning of Seto's days in Hell. No sooner had the ink dried on the adoption certificate, then Gozaburo took Seto in hand, and forced him to study, day and night, holding him to impossibly strict standards. If Seto didn't toe the line, Gozaburo beat him black and blue. After five years of this abuse, Kaiba Seto had been hardened into a fierce competitor and cut throat ruler.
At age 15, Seto manipulated the stock market, buying out all his adopted father's shares in his company, Kaiba Corp. Upon learning that he had been displaced, Gozaburo committed suicide right before Seto's eyes, by defenestrating himself from a top floor window. This pounded the final lesson into Seto's head: if you win, you survive, if you lose, you die. From this time on, Seto became as ruthless as Gozaburo had ever been, running Kaiba Corp with an iron fist and cutting down any and all who got in his way.
When the game of Duel Monsters was created, Kaiba bought all the best cards he could get his hands on. However, his heart lusted after one card and one alone: the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Why was this card so important to Seto? Read the manga and find out!
Personality: Driven and obsessive. Seto cares for no one except little brother, Mokuba. He regards Yugi and his friends as a bunch of weakling and amateurs, especially Jounouchi, whom he delights in belittling and tormenting every chance he gets.
Thoughts: Although I didn't really like Kaiba initially, due to his treatment of Yugi, especially at Pegasus' castle, he's grown on me. Kaiba's twisted personality is the direct result of his upbringing and not something he can really help. His background gives him great depth, along with Jounouchi and Pharaoh Atem. That's always good to see in a manga.
Thoughts: Although I didn't really like Kaiba initially, due to his treatment of Yugi, especially at Pegasus' castle, he's grown on me. Kaiba's twisted personality is the direct result of his upbringing and not something he can really help. His background gives him great depth, along with Jounouchi and Pharaoh Atem. That's always good to see in a manga.
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