Monday, May 25, 2020

Obsessive Man-child Kaiba

You could make memes from this guy's face.
You obsessive man-child!
Perhaps a sedative?
Easy there, buddy. Do you want to burst a blood vessel?!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

DSoD Yugi Live on Duel Links!

Why the Ceremonial Duel is Utter Bullshit

Obelisk can't be targeted by spells, traps, or card effects.

So how the hell is Yugi able to use Crumbling Axe against it?

The whole thing is predicated on bullshit.

The Aftermath of the Great War

It would be interesting to know what happened in Pharaoh Seth's kingdom with Mana now the high priest of the Millennium Ring. Would she have felt the evil heka in the Ring like Mahad did? Did it ever give her trouble, or was she able to fully master it?

Did Seth perhaps marry Isis to produce an heir to continue the bloodline?
Pharaoh Seth and his high priests

Pharaoh vs Priest Duel on the Stone Slab?

 Remember this stone tablet and the duel it promised to show us? Instead of that grand duel between Pharaoh Atem and High Priest Seth, we got this mockery in the Memory Arc:

Atem helpless before Seth and the only reason he's not killed is because the dragon itself decides to intervene. Pitiful! Please tell me this isn't how the duel went in real life! What a disgrace! 😡

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Millennium Ring

In rereading the Memory Arc manga, it seems to me that the Millennium Ring is easily the most powerful of the Items, not even saving the Puzzle. From the beginning, it can do things the other Items can't. Even when Bakura Ryou takes it off, it manipulates and seduces him into wearing it again. Honda took the Ring and chucked it from Pegasus' castle into the jungle, yet it still found its way back to Bakura's neck. 

Also, the Ring gave Bakura the ability to seal a bit of his soul inside the Puzzle. 

Now we might say that this is because the Ring was infused with Zorc's spirit after Bakura and Atem's souls were sealed away in their respective items, but that doesn't explain everything either.

In Memory World, as soon as Bakura dons the Ring, he becomes ten times stronger than he was before. The evil of the Ring's former bearer before Mahad is touched upon, but never further investigated. I think we'd need to know more about the former priests to find out the real story behind the Ring.
The Ring absorbed the evil of its former owner.
I do wish Takahashi-sensei would make a prequel manga delving into the depths of not only Atem's life in Ancient Egypt, but perhaps touching more on the priests who wore the Items during Akhnumkanun's rule. Perhaps then we'd know where the Ring got its heart of evil from.

Nerdtests YGO Quiz Result

Yu-Gi-Oh Fans Quiz -- Create and Take a Fun Quiz @'s User Tests!

My Result: You're doing good.
-= click to take @ =-

More Aigami Teasing

Damn Duel Links is teasing Aigami again in this new event, but still not making him unlockable. Konami can be such character teases when they want!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Woe to the Pharaoh

Woe to the Pharaoh, for his body lacks even his name.
This beautiful picture right here is the heart and soul of YGO. This is what all the sequel series lack. Without this gravitas, it becomes nothing more than another kiddie anime about dueling with monsters.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Setting Up Duel Links...

...on a new PC takes forever. Just hope I don't run out of broadband downloading the files.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Thunder Dragons

Loving Mokuba (DSoD)'s Thunder Dragon deck. That thing kicks ass and takes names, at least in OG YGO.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Decks Like This Are a Disgrace to Duel Monsters

Only cheap assholes play with decks like this. Cheap little back row bitch players who dishonor this great game. People who play with decks like this are the lowest of the low. Fuck all you back row players!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons

I hope this thing never comes to Duel Links! The only way I can think of to counter it would be to use DD Trap Hole to force it into facedown mode for the rest of the duel, then make the opponent deck out, or banish it somehow. Good luck if you don't have the cards to do that!